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Standing for a community made for the people, by the people.

Equality and Missoula

This community was founded on the principles behind bringing cultures together to protect the land. As a fifth generation Montanan, my homesteading family travelled across harsh environments to try and grow and sustain functioning communities to support the people protecting the land together. They endured harsh environments to learn to farm and tend to agriculture in areas where people needed more resources.

I was taught that we all walk together, embracing our path with courage and strength. I spent much of my life digging into the stories of the past and how they were analyzed by the people that lived them. Missoula has always been a place where people come to get to know eachother’s truths and I am running for Mayor to honor the parts of our ancestor’s stories that don’t always get told. The parts that show us that they all endured alot to help us keep coming together, to collectively protect the nation’s land and people.


Within her career Brandi has designed many educational courses and public outreach.


Brandi has experience working within government regulations that has taught her how to navigate the lines that keep solutions from being viable.


Brandi Atanasoff has the absolute fortitude to fight for our community, bringing the best of what we have to offer together.

I run not for fame, but for the people of my community – my home.

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